School Groups

Are you struggling to meet the requirements of the curriculum?  

Do you lack the specialist equipment and coaching expertise necessary for the delivery and safety of the sport?  Do you have premises constraints? Gymnastics is the foundation of all movement!  We can help by offering the following sessions! 

Bookings now open from Term 2 onwards!

Click here to Contact Us to enquire about booking and prices.


Students have a one off visit to our gymnasium and experience the gymsports of gymnastics and trampolining. The gymnasium is set up for circuits and students move through these in a fun, encouraging and structured atmosphere. 


One-off session: These sessions are great as a give-it-a-go session to allow for chilren to experience a taste of the different gymnastics sports, build self-confidence while being active and begin to build their gymnastics skills.

Block Courses: These are usually a six week skill building programme. Your students will receive quality coaching and experience the 6 dominant movement patterns while introducing new skills each week. Rotations, Statics, Manipulation, Landings, Locomotion, Swing and Spring! 


Provided at a ratio of 1:15 with our trained staff. We are able to offer school/pre school bookings on a Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30am - 2:30pm


Our gymnasium is a purpose fit facility situated on the corner of Springs Rd and Corsair Drive Wigram, Christchurch. The venue includes a large gymnasium, changing rooms, offices, toilets, mezzanine viewing area, kitchen and ballet room.The gymnasium is permanently set up with a sprung tumbling floor as well as a 13m 2 rhythmic floor, 4 trampolines, double-mini tramp, 2 mini tramps, pommel horse, rings, vaults, bars, climbing frames, ropes, beams, as well as other supplementary equipment suitable for our younger members. All apparatus is safely matted. 

We can also come to your school using our trailer to bring along some of our awesome gymnastics equipment.


  • Gymnastics is an excellent contributor to fitness. 
  • Gymnastics is inherently enjoyable and a social activity. 
  • Fun and fitness are achieved in a continuous activity setting. 
  • Gymnastics is a suitable activity for mixed sex classes. 
  • Children can participate at a level appropriate to their stage of growth and development. 
  • Gymnastics is based around the six dominant movement patterns - rotation, swing, spring, statics, landings , locomotion - the basis of all other physical sporting activities.

Please Contact Us to enquire about booking and prices.