NZ Children's Day

4 Mar

Happy NZ Children's Day for yesterday!

"Our children and mokopuna are our legacy, they will lead and shape the future of our nation. Whether you are a parent, guardian, whānau member, educator or other member of our community, let’s extend the celebrations of the day into an ongoing commitment to protect the wellbeing and rights of those who are our greatest gift. Through aroha we can all help to create an environment that nurtures our tamariki." 

This day is the brain-child of the first Children's Commissioner, Ian Hassall, in 1991 and has been growing every year since then. It's a day to celebrate the Tamariki in your life as well as the following:

  • Heighten awareness of the importance and needs of children in society, and ways of promoting their development.
  • Promote a national focus on children and motivate adults towards positive motivation and support of children.
  • Promote community responses for the ongoing celebration of Children’s Day through local ownership and widespread participation.

Celebrated by community and familes, this day is a great way spend a bit of extra time with your kids. We've found some great ideas here.

For links to resources for family and child avocacy click here.

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